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(Elf, presumably. Confirmation unknown.)

Amanita Szarr/Lady Incognita

What we know:

So much, and so little! She is the niece of Cazador Szarr, and you can find information about her in roughly four notes in the attic in Cazador's Palace. We know that she was raised by servants in (place), and she didn't know her family were vampires until she was summoned to his palace personally at 13. She'll describe her aunts, her relatives being there as she was beckoned towards the throne, at which point Cazador turned her.

From here we don't actually have confirmation on if she's a spawn or a true vampire, especially since one book will say it is written by "The Vampire, only known as Lady Incognita." We cannot assume either way, as we do not visually see her in the game. However, we do know by the dates on her notes that she was turned in 1477, 15 years before the events of BG3. 

She'll say she was forced to drink human blood, being imprisoned in the attic until she gave in and drank a captive that was sent up to her a year after initially being turned. She rejects the family name and proclaims herself "Lady Incognita", staying in the attic by choice, and writing histories, and research on Vampirism. 

You can find her bedroom upstairs which contains a chest with two pouches. One is empty, the other one contains a lute, and a silver key...which I'll talk about later on.

Where we see her:

We don't visually see her in the game, however we see a lot written by her. In the attic (located above the "kitchen" like room, corner of the main ballroom), there are several notes from her. You can find her bedroom, a torture room, and two general attic rooms that branch out in the attic, each with many hidden notes and clues.

You can find what is presumably her bedroom, hidden behind a false door with a hidden switch, and there are several candles already lit... perhaps indicating she was there recently. We never see her body to confirm death either. The key in her chest leads to a hatch found in the dining room (accessible if you send one companion to the room with the attic ladder, and they hit the button in there, thus revealing the hidden dining room).

The hatch leads to what is infamously known as the Cazador Puzzle. So few actually seem to know of its existence, but it is still seemingly unsolvable. This puzzle used to be broken levers, but they claimed to have fixed it in the most recent patch. It's different now, which traps and pressure plates, but there still isn't anything in there except a chest, which was there previously. While it is not confirmed that this has anything to do with Amanita, the fact that her key leads us here, makes us presume that she's apart of... whatever this is.


Other than her notes describing what happened to her, she writes the following books: Vampires before Vellioth (located in a small room behind the ritual room), Diseases of the Blood, and The Tourmaline Depths which is located in Cazador's Dungeon. However, both Diseases of the Blood, and The Tourmaline Depths are found in the House of Hope, oddly enough. They are on opposite sides of the room where the Orphic Hammer is located, in an assortment of random books.


SO MANY. We don't know why Cazador specifically turned her at 13, we don't know what his plan for her was, or if we even had one. There's a frequent theory that the broken puzzle underneath the dining room in Cazador's Palace may have had something to do with her, but since the puzzle is unsolved/broken to this day, we don't know.

There's a note written by Victoria, Leon's daughter, found on a table right at the palace entrance that mentions the number "17" very frequently, and some players speculate it may have something to do with the puzzle, or Amanita in some way.

Amanita never mentions herself being a spawn, or having scars that tie her to the ritual. As such, it is not likely that she was a ritual sacrifice, but we don't know if Cazador made her a full and true vampire or not, since several of her notes read "written by the vampire known as Lady Incognita".

Some speculate that the entire plot involving her is part of the cut content that would have extended Cazador's story in the game, but we just don't know. Personally, I think it's a little odd that there are candles going in her "bedroom", if she hadn't recently been there. Especially considering that not all of the candles in the attic are lit, indicating this might be deliberate. I also would find it odd for her to be cut entirely, considering there's an unfinished puzzle that she seems to lead us too.

She also mentions her "cousin Blovart", however we don't know in what way they're related. Cousins would imply that Blovart is either the child of another one of Cazador's siblings....or Cazador himself. 

Lastly, there's also a theory that she was at least around during the party in the ballroom, considering that the door to the dining room (where there are bodies of the party guests) was closed, but the only way to close this was in the room that leads to the attic...just food for thought.

In all seriousness, this is one of the biggest mysteries of the game to me, because Amanita seems like she has the potential to be one of the most fascinating characters. I still hold out hope we'll get more of her/a conclusion to her story! 

Images of her books and notes

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