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Pale Petras

(Human, no last name? It seems "Petras" is what he's called primarily. )

What we know

Petras is a bit of a brat, let's be real. Astarion seems to absolutely despise the guy, and upon meeting him--you can't really blame him. Petras is very much a little standoffish in his personality, and if you talk to him without Astarion present, he will instantly try and seduce you...interestingly enough, with the same methods that Astarion uses early game.

We know that he has been a spawn for about a hundred years, as he will tell Dalyria that it's been "a hundred years of eating rats" when you first meet them, putting his recruitment time around the late 1300s. Subsequent to this, he found a woman and invited her to the "party" at the palace--he tells Dalyria that once the ritual is complete and he is granted his freedom (a lie that Cazador told the spawn), he wants a meal waiting for him. You can actually find this woman if you go out of one of the dungeon doors, and she'll say something along the lines of, "have you seen my date? He kind of looks like your friend!" referencing Astarion if he is in your party.

Assuming you chose to save all the Vampire Spawn, Astarion will tell his siblings to guide them to the Underdark. Petras seems especially annoyed by this, until Astarion cuts him off, and he reluctantly agrees with a sigh, walking out with Dalyria (and the others).

Where we see him

We see him at the Flophouse in the beginning of act 3, top floor with Dalyria. Be careful, if you use any radiant weapons or have daylight actively cast, they will disappear. You'll have a conversation here that can go many ways, and always results in Astarion (if he's there) pulling Petras in the sun and demanding information on Cazador's location. He'll leave at the end of this with Dalyria, the two of them doing a move/spell and disappearing in a puff of smoke.

We then of course see him during the ritual, and he seems instrumental in taking the other spawn to the Underdark. If you talk to him without the presence of Astarion, he'll seem a lot more reserved in thanking you right away, but he will eventually agree to go to the Underdark and never be seen on the surface. Also for... research purposes, similar to Dalyria, he will have 18 gold if you loot his body.


For one of the better-known spawn, I don't see many theories about him. A lot of people think that he and Dalyria are some of the closest spawn, and this I'd agree with. She's very upset when Astarion drags him into the sun, and even at the end when he's freaking out about taking spawn to the Underdark, she just nods and almost leads him out. I do think the two of them have a close bond as siblings--perhaps it's just with Dalyria in general, since it seems she cares about Astarion like this too.

We don't really know anything about his background, as there aren't any diaries or anything. Some speculate that he was essentially Astarion's "replacement" during the year Astarion was locked away in the tomb. However, the timelines don't quite add up, since Petras says he has been a spawn for 100 years, and Astarion was sealed away during his first ten years of his 200~ year slavery.

Petras Turn Arounds

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