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Victoria Onufrio

(Human, Non Vampire)

What we know

Victoria is quite an interesting character, as she is the human child of Leon, living in Cazador's Palace with the rest of them. Based on her appearance, we can infer that she is anywhere between 8-10 years of age, at least I would assume.

She seems to have been well cared for by her father, with Leon writing in his journal that he had to be Cazador's best hunter to be allowed to stay in the Favorited Spawn Quarters, if only so he could keep Victoria away from the others. He also writes about her saying that he didn't trust the other spawn around her, "especially Violet". Leon also writes that Cazador turned him and "forced him" to bring Victoria along with him, and that when he asks Cazador what he plans to do with her, he just smiles cruelly.

Leon will go on to state that he had a plan with Fiagro (the clothing shop owner in the Lower City) to finalize a disguise/plan for her escape. However, we supposedly find her corpse with a necrotic corpse on it in the guest room...or so we think. I'll talk about this on the Theories Slide. On her corpse, we also learn that she was given the dictionary by Leon to study, so she could freely move about the palace, which was a privilege that the spawn themselves were not granted.

Where we see her

Upon entering Cazador's Palace, there is a note on the table right in the entryway called "Victoria's List". It seems focused on the number 17 for some reason, which is still unknown to this day.

We find her body downstairs in the guest room. She's dead of course, with a necrotic magic spell placed over it. You used to be able to use speak with the dead, which would give you interesting dialogue telling you that she's an orphan, and that Dalyria lured her into the room with the promise of food and shelter...which doesn't make sense, considering Leon writes about how he kept her with him in the favorited spawn room and did everything to keep her safe, so she's very clearly not an orphan. Dalyria writes in her journal that she killed the girl to try and cure herself of vampirism, and Cazador then got angry and dragged Dalyria away. Victoria would describe him as a "monster". However as of patch 5, they removed the option to speak with her entirely, as they said the options "didn't add up" to the notes in the house...which is odd, since it was voiced dialogue so very deliberate. But since the patch cut it, take it with a grain of salt.


Other than this and being mentioned in both her father's diary, and Violet's (where she calls her a brat), we don't have anything else from her.


Theories for her are quite fun, though there's less to go off of now that the speak with the dead option has been removed from her.

It was quite often believed that the real Victoria did escape as her father intended, and the corpse was just a decoy that he cursed to make the cover up seem real, going as far to stage it with the note, dictionary, and everything. This was backed up by her dialogue about being "lured in" and an "orphan". Interestingly enough, Astarion also has dialogue in the room where he seems very confused as to what's happening and confused about what happened to the girl. He also doesn't mention her as if he knows her--which is weird in general, since she has been around for years, and he definitely would know who she is.

My own evidence towards this is how you can find a note from Fiagro in the boutique basement that lists currently open orders, and Leon/Victoria isn't on the's very odd, but with the removed dialogue, it is purely speculation now.

There is also belief that she could be tied to the puzzle/Lady Incognita/Amanita Szarr, given the whole note with "17". There definetely seems to be something to this note, as there are in fact 17 paintings in reach in the palace (at least for an elf/human, I don't know if this changes for a taller species). 

Of course, the biggest mystery is what Cazador had planned for her. He clearly wanted something with her, for keeping her alive all those years and forcing Leon to bring her along in the first place. We have questions as to her mother, how old she was officially when she came to the palace, etc... and we likely won't get concrete answers, but there's a lot to think about.

Victoria's Mysterious "17" note

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